Moving into Summer, the season governed by the fire element, our primary focus with
food therapy is to nourish yin fluids and clear excess heat. By maintaining a healthy
balance between the water and fire dynamic of the body, we are helping to support
hydration, regulate proper fluid metabolism, reduce inflammation, and calm the nervous
Common foods that we recommend during the summer season:
– Watermelon and cucumbers are a staple! It nourishes fluids and clears heat.
– Summer veggies like peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, and zucchini all have high water contents and thus nourish Yin.
– Berries help to tonify the blood.
– Eat lots of summer greens like: broccoli, swiss chard, kale, cabbage, spinach, parsley, mustard greens, dandelion greens, collard greens, and burdock root.
– Mint and Hibiscus tea. Hibiscus has a heart affinity and helps reduce blood
pressure. Mint clears heat and helps transform stagnant fluid.
– Mung beans
– Overall, focus on lighter meals throughout the day. Cook veggies but do not
– Avoid spicy foods, especially for those with excess heat signs
When our bodies are supported naturally with foods, it can help us embrace the abundance of the summer season as we enjoy the fruits of resting through winter and growing in spring!
If you’re curious about other ways to support your body in the transition to spring, start by booking an acupuncture, massage, sauna, or craniosacral therapy appointment at
Read more about our services at
Thank you, Dr. Shannon Menestrina for providing this information about using food to help in the transition to spring!