What is Acupuncture?

What is Acupuncture?

Most of us have heard of acupuncture and that this practice has been around for over 2000 years but here in the western part of the world have only recently been exposed to this whole health system. We may have lots of questions about this ancient health approach. 

Just to give a little background, acupuncture was created over time and primarily observation of how our environment works as a unit to create the continuum of the Earth. The people of this time frame worked closely with nature and observed the many cycles of to continue with life as we know it. This being said, between observations of cycles, seasons, night and day cycles, how nature behaves in response to the five primary elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water), the observers noticed that our bodies act in the same manner.

Consider this brief example of how water sinks to the low spaces – if our hearts are not functioning as they should, we tend to have swelling in our ankles. Water tends to have a downward trajectory. When it rains at the tops of the mountains, the water makes its way down the mountain creating streams, rivers and then flows into the ocean. 

Theory of body workers of the past noticed that when they touched a certain area of the body, the patient noticed they felt it in another part of the body and that pushed the practitioners to explore more deeply and found that certain points on the body affect certain organs. For example, a point on one’s leg made their stomach calm down and feel better. 

What does all this mean to us today? Since we have been able to advance our study of the nervous system, we have been able to clue into the science of Acupuncture and we are discovering more and more every day. The best way I know how to simplify and explain how it works is using physics of the body via the nervous system. 

We know that the nerves of the body conduct communication throughout the body in order for our bodies to function. The nerves that travel from the brain down through the spine then from there to the rest of the body. Our bodies are impressively intelligent and are constantly adapting to our internal and external environments in order to survive. As an organism we must survive and our bodies do so by blocking and bypassing diseased areas to keep functioning. Unfortunately there is a cost that goes with that. This means part of our systems are working really hard and other parts are not working efficiently, and over time this causes our bodies to manifest pain, issues in the organs, and eventually cause disease. This is where acupuncture and herbs can help. Acupuncture helps remind the nervous system how it should function, freeing the blockages that have occurred, and reestablishing balance in the system. 

One of the greatest aspects of acupuncture is that this medicine application includes the body, mind and spirit. What does this mean? We look at low back pain, indigestion and anxiety all at the same time. We look at all of your symptoms from physical and emotional, and this paints a picture for us so that we see the patterns in place to help the whole body, not just your low back pain. 

If this sounds like something you need, please don’t hesitate to call us and try acupuncture to find your balance. Call or text 865-888-5342

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